A journal of my crazy desire to complete one craft or creative project every day for one year.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New Features

It occurred to me yesterday that there is really no way to prove whether I've completed a project or not each day - other than my word. While this is just fine for friends and family, others of you might not be so trusting!

So, I've started a Flickr account (365 Days of Crafts) where I will post photos of the projects as I complete them. There's a link to the photostream on the right hand side of this page.

I've put up some photos of finished projects I've had hanging around the house so there is something there for you to look at right away. I apologize for the fuzziness of some of the shots - I am a very amateur photographer, and had to borrow a camera to take these shots! Looks like one of my purchases in the not too distant future is going to be a camera of my own!

I finished the list of ongoing (and hoping to do) projects last evening and have surprisingly found myself low on a few supplies (yarn, ink for the printer, gift bags, etc.) so it's off shopping this afternoon! I'm starting to get really excited about this project, and hope someone out there enjoys watching the show!

1 comment:

  1. Lindsay this is such a fun idea! I will be following along for sure!
